RIM (BlackBerry) Wireless Device Command-Line Programmer Version .rar REPACK
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How to use RIM Wireless Device Command-Line Auto-Programmer to flash BlackBerry devices
If you are looking for a way to flash your BlackBerry device with a custom firmware or to change its IMEI, you might be interested in using the RIM Wireless Device Command-Line Auto-Programmer. This is a tool that allows you to perform various operations on your BlackBerry device from the command line, such as loading applications, erasing data, resetting passwords, and more.
In this article, we will show you how to download and use the RIM Wireless Device Command-Line Auto-Programmer Version, which is the latest version available as of April 2023. This version supports most of the BlackBerry models, including the 9700, 8520, and 9520.
Step 1: Download the RIM Wireless Device Command-Line Auto-Programmer
You can download the RIM Wireless Device Command-Line Auto-Programmer Version from this link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/rim_wireless_device_command_line_auto_programmer_3_9_0_73.rar/file. The file size is about 10 MB and it is compressed in a .rar format. You will need a software like WinRAR or 7-Zip to extract it.
Step 2: Extract and install the RIM Wireless Device Command-Line Auto-Programmer
After downloading the file, extract it to a folder of your choice. You will see a folder named \"RMA\" that contains several files and subfolders. To install the RIM Wireless Device Command-Line Auto-Programmer, you need to copy and replace the folder \"Configuration\" inside the \"RMA\" folder to your T: drive. If you don't have a T: drive, you can create one by using a software like Virtual CloneDrive or Daemon Tools.
Step 3: Connect your BlackBerry device to your computer
Before using the RIM Wireless Device Command-Line Auto-Programmer, you need to connect your BlackBerry device to your computer via USB cable. Make sure that your device is turned on and that you have installed the BlackBerry Desktop Software or the BlackBerry Device Manager on your computer. You also need to enable the Mass Storage Mode on your device by going to Options > Memory > Mass Storage Mode Support > On.
Step 4: Run the RIM Wireless Device Command-Line Auto-Programmer
To run the RIM Wireless Device Command-Line Auto-Programmer, you need to open a command prompt window and navigate to the \"RMA\" folder on your T: drive. For example, you can type \"T:\" and press Enter, then type \"cd RMA\" and press Enter. Once you are in the \"RMA\" folder, you can type \"cfp.exe\" and press Enter to launch the tool.
The tool will display a list of commands and options that you can use to perform various operations on your BlackBerry device. For example, you can type \"cfp.exe -u load \" to load an application file (.alx or .cod) to your device, or type \"cfp.exe -u wipe\" to erase all data from your device. You can also type \"cfp.exe -u help\" to see more detailed information about each command and option.
Step 5: Flash or modify your BlackBerry device
Depending on what you want to do with your BlackBerry device, you can use different commands and options from the RIM Wireless Device Command-Line Auto-Programmer. For example, if you want to flash your device with a custom firmware, you need to have a firmware file (.sfi) that is compatible with your device model and OS version. You can download firmware files from various websites or forums that offer them.
Once you have a firmware file, you can flash it to your device by typing \"cfp.exe -u load \" and pressing Enter. The tool will start loading the firmware file to your device and show you a progress bar. When it is done, it will display a message ec8f644aee